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首次星盤咨詢 1.5小時交流 Astrology chart reading - first time client 1 session 1.5h

首次星盤咨詢 1.5小時交流 Astrology chart reading - first time client 1 session 1.5h


占星師:Lisa (YouTube 紐西占星小姐姐)



· 個人本命盤:探索靈魂過去的業力和未來的方向,注重從現代演化占星的視角解析個人星盤潛質。

· 運勢推進:解析長期和短期運勢,使用多種推運方法,如行星推進、太陽弧、二次推運、太陽返照和赤緯等等。

· 天時:為生命中重要的事件和時刻選擇良辰吉時。

· 地利:將星盤與方位和風水相結合,分析遷移、旅行與運勢的聯繫。

· 人和:雙人和多人合盤,解析感情、婚姻、生意夥伴、敵人和愛人關係。


第一次咨詢:869人民幣/ 200新西蘭元。

後續咨詢:659人民幣/ 150新西蘭元。



WhatsApp:+64 2108959772

YouTube/ Facebook/ 微信小視頻主頁:紐西占星小姐姐


Astrology Consultation

Lisa is a professional astrologer who graduated from Kepler College, a leading astrological school in the United States. You can book a one-on-one astrology consultation with Lisa and have a deep conversation about your birth information (the more precise, the better, but only your birth date and place is also acceptable). Each consultation lasts 1.5 hours and requires one week's advance booking. This will be a wonderful encounter with your soul.

Choose the consultation that suits you:

Personal natal chart: explore the past karma and future direction of your soul

Transit analysis: analyze long-term and short-term trends using various methods, such as planetary progressions, solar arc, secondary progressions, solar returns, and declination.

Electional astrology: choose auspicious times for important events and moments in your life

Locational astrology: combine your natal chart with the analysis of direction and feng shui, and analyze the relationship between migration, travel, and fortune

Synastry: analyze the relationship between emotions, marriage, business partners, enemies, and lovers in synastry charts for couples or groups



WhatsApp:+64 2108959772

YouTube/ Facebook/ WeChat channel:紐西占星小姐姐

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